Groundbreaking Event, April 17

On Tuesday, April 17, Missouri S&T will host an unusual groundbreaking to celebrate the start of our geothermal energy project. Join us for this occasion as we officially kick off “Earth Week”–which culminates with the community-wide Earth Day celebration on Friday, April 20. The groundbreaking event on April 17 will take place at 4:00 pm on the Emerson Hall lawn at Missouri S&T, near the intersection of North Pine and 16th streets. (In case of inclement weather, the event will be held in the Kummer Atrium of Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering Hall.)

This geothermal energy project was approved by the University of Missouri Board of Curators in 2010. In keeping with our initiative to become a green campus, this project will reduce our energy costs and drastically cut our carbon dioxide emissions when completed.

Should you have any questions regarding the event, please call 573-341-4116.