Project Milestone Reached

A major milestone for the Missouri S&T’s geothermal project will be reached early next week as the power plant boiler #5 will be shut down and all steam production will cease permanently. Heat recovery chillers in all three regional plants have been started, and heat is being provided to six buildings on campus. Over the past month, a majority of the chilled water supply used for air conditioning on campus has been provided by the geothermal system. Commissioning of the regional plant equipment will continue throughout the summer.

Remaining connections to the hot water distribution will take place over the semester break and will include McNutt Hall, Straumanis James Hall, and Butler Carlton Civil Engineering Building. Also, hot water boilers in Toomey Hall will be installed and several HVAC renovation projects will be completed this summer. These projects include HVAC renovations in the Physics Building, Fulton Hall, Bullman Multi-Purpose Building, and Student Recreation Center. Once these are complete the geothermal system will be fully implemented.

When completed, the geothermal energy system is estimated to cut annual energy usage by 50%, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 25,000 tons per year, and cut water usage by eight million gallons per year. Many parking and landscape improvements continue, the most recently completed being the landscaping improvements in the north mall area. Also occurring over the summer, parking lot 5 expansion north of Emerson Hall will be constructed.

Your continued patience is appreciated for any inconvenience caused from this phase of the project implementation as we move towards completion and a more energy efficient campus.

Alternate Routes from Lot M36 and M19

Due to construction on the geothermal energy project, alternate routes may have to be taken to buildings from parking lots M19 and M36. Please see the following map below for alternate routes.

We appreciate your patience during this period as we move towards a more energy efficient campus.

North Lots Complete

Overall, the well drilling and geothermal header project continues to progress well. Well drilling exceeds 60% completion for the project, the north street crossings have been completed and circuit and header piping back to the Straumanis Plant is nearly complete.

Circuit piping has been completed in all of the north lots and is well underway in well field 1, north of the Civil Engineering building. Paving in Lots #35, #29, #14 & #6 has been completed and parking opened to the campus. Lot #19 has been turned over to the University for parking lot reconstruction and the drive to the McNutt dock has been placed and has reopened to traffic.

Circuit piping has been completed in Lot #8, which will allow for the northern portion of Lot #8 to be reconstructed for additional parking in the north campus area. Drilling of the 195 wells in Lot #11 is now complete.

Lot #8 is scheduled to be back in service the week of September 17 and lot #36 will be taken out of service the same week.

Geothermal Well Drilling Continues

As geothermal well drilling continues, additional parking spaces are being be displaced. Area C Lot 11 (across 10th Street from Castleman Hall) is scheduled to close at the beginning of July and will be closed until approximately December 2012. Area C permit holders can continue to park in Lot 11C until the lot closes. Alternate parking choices for Summer and Fall are listed below.  Please respond as soon as possible with choices for Fall semester.

When C 11 closes Area C permit holders may park in the following areas:

  • C 18 (lot across 10th Street from Rayl)
  • Area B (corner of 11th & State)
  • Meters are only authorized with payment
  • Area X (Bullmann Multipurpose Lot)


  • Please email or call parking as soon as possible to be added to the waiting list for other areas for Fall, excluding Areas F, M, A, and L.  Area C may park in Area X as space allows

See the updated construction schedule below. Please visit for more information regarding the geothermal project.

To view a full parking map for campus, click here.


Lots 8 and 35 Closing May 24

Parking lots 8 and 35 will be closed beginning Thursday, May 24th for well drilling associated with the campus geothermal energy system.

If you are an Area L permit holder and you have not already, please notify parking of your alternate choice for parking: areas H, S, P or C.  During the Summer (through 7/31/12) you can park in your current area until space is no longer available.  At that time you can park in your alternate choice with your current sticker.  If you have any questions please contact Parking Lot Operations at 341-4303.  Further information will be provided as the project progresses.  Thank you for your patience as we work towards a more energy efficient campus.

Temporary Parking Relocation for Areas L & M

As a result of well field drilling, approximately 10% of university parking lots will be impacted by the geothermal energy project and will be temporarily displaced until well field drilling in the affected areas is complete.
The lots affected will include lot 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 19, 27, 35, and 36; this will impact area M, L, and C permit holders. Area M and area L permit holders will have the option of applying for area S, H, C, and P permits during this time. They may be wait listed for any other parking area, however other areas may be full. Some lots in areas M and L lots will be impacted beginning in May with additional lots in those areas to follow. Once construction is complete in each lot and as space allows, original L & M permit holders will be reissued permits for the lots which they were originally assigned at no cost.
We ask for your patience during this period as we move towards a more energy efficient campus. When complete, many areas across campus including parking lots will look better than they do today as a result of the project. Also as a result, the overall parking availability for campus will be increased when the project is complete.
See below the schedule for parking construction and the areas affected. For general information about the geothermal energy project, visit If you have any questions regarding parking during this time, please contact Parking Lot Operations at 341-4303.

To view a full parking map for campus, click here.

