North Lots Complete

Overall, the well drilling and geothermal header project continues to progress well. Well drilling exceeds 60% completion for the project, the north street crossings have been completed and circuit and header piping back to the Straumanis Plant is nearly complete.

Circuit piping has been completed in all of the north lots and is well underway in well field 1, north of the Civil Engineering building. Paving in Lots #35, #29, #14 & #6 has been completed and parking opened to the campus. Lot #19 has been turned over to the University for parking lot reconstruction and the drive to the McNutt dock has been placed and has reopened to traffic.

Circuit piping has been completed in Lot #8, which will allow for the northern portion of Lot #8 to be reconstructed for additional parking in the north campus area. Drilling of the 195 wells in Lot #11 is now complete.

Lot #8 is scheduled to be back in service the week of September 17 and lot #36 will be taken out of service the same week.