Geothermal Well Drilling Continues

As geothermal well drilling continues, additional parking spaces are being be displaced. Area C Lot 11 (across 10th Street from Castleman Hall) is scheduled to close at the beginning of July and will be closed until approximately December 2012. Area … [Continue reading]

Lots 8 and 35 Closing May 24

Parking lots 8 and 35 will be closed beginning Thursday, May 24th for well drilling associated with the campus geothermal energy system. If you are an Area L permit holder and you have not already, please notify parking of your alternate choice for … [Continue reading]

Temporary Parking Relocation for Areas L & M

As a result of well field drilling, approximately 10% of university parking lots will be impacted by the geothermal energy project and will be temporarily displaced until well field drilling in the affected areas is complete.  The lots affected … [Continue reading]

Project Overview Video

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Open Forum, April 9

Design & Construction Management will hold an open forum Monday, April 9, at 10:00 AM in the Carver Turner Room, Havener Center. Topics of discussion will include boundaries of work, parking lot closures, and building & loading dock … [Continue reading]

Groundbreaking Event, April 17

On Tuesday, April 17, Missouri S&T will host an unusual groundbreaking to celebrate the start of our geothermal energy project. Join us for this occasion as we officially kick off "Earth Week"--which culminates with the community-wide Earth Day … [Continue reading]